
Tips: what's the best way to deal with imperfections?

Unevenness, unfortunately something that everyone has to deal with. One more than the other maybe, but a spot, pimple or bump sometimes appears on everyone's face. What is the best thing to do right now? Pop that pimple or not? Apply a cream to the red spots or better leave it alone? In this blog you can read what you can do best if such an imperfection appears on your face and how you can (in some cases) prevent it.

Before we figure out what to do about pimples, it might be better to know what they actually are. Pimples are bumps filled with pus or pus that form when an infection occurs in the follicle (hair follicle). Such an infection can be caused by an accumulation of bacteria, (too many) dead skin cells or sebum. The pus or pus is the result of the body clearing out the bacteria. What should you do if you see a pimple like this coming up? The best advice is to just leave mr. pimple alone, the body will clear it up after about five days. But, because you don't always want to look at such a white head, here are some tips to squeeze the pimple.

  • Only squeeze it if it has a clear, white head on it
  • Clean hands and skin well in advance
  • Gently press with warm cotton wool around the pimple until it pops, do not do it with your bare hands due to pressure marks on the skin
  • Push until no more pus comes out! Do you see blood? Then stop!
  • Cleanse the skin afterwards and wash your hands well

Prevent pimples? Make sure you cleanse your face daily, so you reduce the chance of clogged hair follicles.

Blackheads, also called comedones, are clogged drainage ducts of sebaceous glands in the skin. They manifest themselves as black or white dots and are also popularly referred to as clogged pores. What to do? You can remove blackheads yourself by using a comedone spoon, this is the most skin-friendly way. When no more sebum comes out, you can use your fingers wrapped in kitchen paper or cotton wool to squeeze out the remaining sebum. Don't do this too hard, because you can quickly create pressure marks on the skin. Cleaning the skin daily and exfoliating regularly reduces the chance of clogged pores.

Red spots

The appearance of red spots on the skin has many different reasons, it can be due to cold, hormone fluctuations, certain products or inflamed hair follicles. Red spots can also be caused by underlying vessels, which we call rosacea. Damage to the small vessels has occurred due to, for example, the sun or hormone fluctuations. In addition, red spots are also an expression of eczema. It is important that you find out the reason for the red spots on your face, so that you can deal with them in the right way.

  • Hormone-independent blemishes: keep the skin hydrated and possibly cover the blemishes with concealer and foundation
  • Inflamed hair follicles: make sure you cleanse your skin every day and don't use too much make-up on the red spots, this inhibits healing
  • Rosacea: unfortunately there is little you can do about this. Do you still want to cover the spots? Then use a mild, mineral foundation. The skin on the rosacea places is a lot more sensitive.
  • Eczema? Consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Dry skin can cause flakes on your face, the long-term approach revolves around moisturizing and nourishing the skin through creams (without alcohol). But when those flakes are visible, you want to get rid of them in a minute, right? Picking and pulling it is of little use, what does help is to gently scrub or exfoliate the skin. Exfoliation can be done both chemically and manually and ensures the release of the dead skin layers, scrubbing is a slightly 'harder' approach and it is advisable to use a fine scrub for the skin. After scrubbing or exfoliating, a warm shower or steam bath is recommended to hydrate the skin.

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